TWENTY tiny tadpoles touching tails together in the tank on the table-top (alliterative)
We were VERY fortunate that one parent found some tiny tadpoles this year....the weather was so cold that spawn and tadpoles were in short supply - so thank you Evie for catching them and carefully bringing them into the setting
Its truly amazing what you can do with a big plastic box...chicks in it one week, tadpoles the next...and what a viewing tank it makes!
As the weeks past the children watched the tadpoles grow bigger and bigger. They excitedly spotted the first legs. Didn't Jessica get a surprise when the little froglet on my finger took a leap toward her! Didn't we all laugh.
It was quite interesting, at first they all tried to outdo each other and fill the bucket too full to manage on their own. They soon learned that they needed less to do the whole operation independently
Many of these "extra special opportunities" are used as a launch pad for other learning opportunities including
Draw Frog Spawn:
L: Handwriting – Developing hand-eye coordination in using mark-making tools to draw circles.
L: Linking Sounds and Letters – Rhyming Frog (bog, tog, log, dog)
Print Frog Spawn:
Math: Think about what ONE/TWO/FEW/MORE is and represent this number
Make Freddie Frogs:
Math: Shape Space & Measure – Who’s Freddie has the longest tongue?
Phy: Using Equipment and Materials – Cutting out Freddies
Balancing Frogs:
PHY: Movement and Space – Demonstrate the control necessary to hold a shape or fixed position whilst balancing a frog
Giant Tadpoles:
EAD: Differentiate marks and movements on paper – drawing frogs & writing own name
EAD: Explore what happens when they mix colours – mixing greys.
The Big Fish (and other stories)
CL: Reading – Enjoy an increasing range of stories
L: F is for Frog (and others)
CL: Linking Sounds and letters – Hear and say the initial sound in words and know which letters represent some sounds
...and of course lots more!!!!
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