Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stover Egg Hunt on 23rd March 2013.

Hi Everyone,

It says something about the English weather, when we count our blessings when we have a relatively dry yet very cold day for our Egg Hunt (at least it didn’t rain...wasn’t the winter wet this year?).  Everyone came wrapped up well and had a lovely walk around Stover Lake

The children taking part in the treasure hunt found all the carved animals and were awarded an Easter egg each; we had a great bar-be-que; guess the number of eggs competition; weight of the cake; face painting and more.

Thank you everyone for coming.  It’s always great to have time to meet you all outside of preschool, and your support makes all the effort of those arranging these events worthwhile.

We made around £200 this year - thank you for your support!



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