Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mamhead Visit

On Friday 28th November we took all the children to the woods to complete a very soggy walk. 
We splashed through puddles; trod over soggy leaves; hugged trees (can you put your hands right around a trunk; had a look for the door in the obelisk; and much more.

Unfortunately we couldn't balance over the logs because they were really slippery!

We made a discovery:  Poor Gruffalo!  the wind had blown a tree down….right on top of the Gruffalo’s house.  I hope that he found a new one!

Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the walk.  

Without our stalwart parents we wouldn't be able to have these “off-site” adventures.

Many thanks everyone for an enjoyable visit to the woods which gave the children real experiences about the seasons that we'd been thinking about recently


School Visit

In October the preschool was invited to the school for cake and juice.  

We had a great time exploring the reception environment; saying hello to old friends and meeting the staff of the school.  

We reciprocated, and the reception class visited us for a monkey music session…

All our last years’ leavers are now so BIG!

What a great way to start this year's transition to school life!


Our new storage shed

Our new storage shed has been erected in an unused corner of the setting.  

This gives us even more room in which to play.  The children were really interested in what was happening….and, kept looking over the fence to see.  So, one afternoon we took small groups to see.  
They inspected the shed being erected…and, were able to take turns to hammer in nails, helping to build and add their own marks.

Many thanks to Ben from “Deck n’Play for his great designs.

PS:  I think that we've got some budding carpenters - they really HAMMERED those nails in!

Thank you YFC & Parents

We are really excited!  We are now one step closer to revamping our playground.  Lots of exciting activities are on their way!

During ½ term (October 2014) we asked for volunteers to help clear our playground - many people turned up to give a hand!

Thanks to our local Kenn Valley Young Farmers & our very own parents, who gave up their time one Saturday to prepare the site for our next setting improvement.  

They helped to dismantle the old leaky storage shed (to make room for other activities); moved our role play house (which has now been "up-cycled" into a sand house); painted our sheds (Wow – they look as good as new); cleared and prepared the site for the new shed (now completed) and cleared the carpark flower border (we’ve already planted this with spring bulbs) ….and finally given everything a really good clean up.

What a difference its' made - many hands really do make light work.

Another work party is planning for the spring/summer terms - when we hope to be able to achieve another part of our development plans (we have lots of ideas!)

Many thanks everybody - Michele

A party for Eid

  In October, we held a party for Eid-Al-Adha.  

Both R…..and R….. joined us for our celebrations.  We learned that although people may have different beliefs, that they hold  festivals not dissimilar to our own (all cultures).  During Eid Muslims of the world dress up; enjoy parties; dance; have fireworks etc.

R……showed us her very special tunic.  It had bells all around.  We learned that boys wear their scarves from back to front and girls from front to back.  We enjoyed bell dances and sampled different foods from around the world.

We made a “space” mobile with moons and stars decorated with different patterns; we learned to say “hello” in Arabic; and learned about other people in the world

Many thanks R……… for joining us, and sharing your special festival with us.

Have you a special event; a skill; an interest or job,  that you would like to share with us – 

Please talk to Michele/Dawn

Environmental Agency

The environmental agency was hard at work, right beside our setting, completing the work on the flood defence scheme for Kennford.

Everyone watched with interest as diggers used scoops to dig trenches and level the heaps of soil that lorries brought onto site.

Then workmen erected a new fence right beside our setting.  Everyone was very interested in the different tools used to dig holes.  We tried very hard to dig a hole as big…but, we just couldn't manage it!

New Painting Screen

At the beginning of September, before term started, our brilliant builder came in….and we started the term with our new veranda screen.  

We thought about this long and hard…..it not only shelters the veranda area during wet weather…it is a painting and drawing surface too!

Thanks to Ben, from Deck n Play for making my ideas come to life.

We’re now raising money for the next project!