Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mamhead Visit

On Friday 28th November we took all the children to the woods to complete a very soggy walk. 
We splashed through puddles; trod over soggy leaves; hugged trees (can you put your hands right around a trunk; had a look for the door in the obelisk; and much more.

Unfortunately we couldn't balance over the logs because they were really slippery!

We made a discovery:  Poor Gruffalo!  the wind had blown a tree down….right on top of the Gruffalo’s house.  I hope that he found a new one!

Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the walk.  

Without our stalwart parents we wouldn't be able to have these “off-site” adventures.

Many thanks everyone for an enjoyable visit to the woods which gave the children real experiences about the seasons that we'd been thinking about recently


School Visit

In October the preschool was invited to the school for cake and juice.  

We had a great time exploring the reception environment; saying hello to old friends and meeting the staff of the school.  

We reciprocated, and the reception class visited us for a monkey music session…

All our last years’ leavers are now so BIG!

What a great way to start this year's transition to school life!


Our new storage shed

Our new storage shed has been erected in an unused corner of the setting.  

This gives us even more room in which to play.  The children were really interested in what was happening….and, kept looking over the fence to see.  So, one afternoon we took small groups to see.  
They inspected the shed being erected…and, were able to take turns to hammer in nails, helping to build and add their own marks.

Many thanks to Ben from “Deck n’Play for his great designs.

PS:  I think that we've got some budding carpenters - they really HAMMERED those nails in!

Thank you YFC & Parents

We are really excited!  We are now one step closer to revamping our playground.  Lots of exciting activities are on their way!

During ½ term (October 2014) we asked for volunteers to help clear our playground - many people turned up to give a hand!

Thanks to our local Kenn Valley Young Farmers & our very own parents, who gave up their time one Saturday to prepare the site for our next setting improvement.  

They helped to dismantle the old leaky storage shed (to make room for other activities); moved our role play house (which has now been "up-cycled" into a sand house); painted our sheds (Wow – they look as good as new); cleared and prepared the site for the new shed (now completed) and cleared the carpark flower border (we’ve already planted this with spring bulbs) ….and finally given everything a really good clean up.

What a difference its' made - many hands really do make light work.

Another work party is planning for the spring/summer terms - when we hope to be able to achieve another part of our development plans (we have lots of ideas!)

Many thanks everybody - Michele

A party for Eid

  In October, we held a party for Eid-Al-Adha.  

Both R…..and R….. joined us for our celebrations.  We learned that although people may have different beliefs, that they hold  festivals not dissimilar to our own (all cultures).  During Eid Muslims of the world dress up; enjoy parties; dance; have fireworks etc.

R……showed us her very special tunic.  It had bells all around.  We learned that boys wear their scarves from back to front and girls from front to back.  We enjoyed bell dances and sampled different foods from around the world.

We made a “space” mobile with moons and stars decorated with different patterns; we learned to say “hello” in Arabic; and learned about other people in the world

Many thanks R……… for joining us, and sharing your special festival with us.

Have you a special event; a skill; an interest or job,  that you would like to share with us – 

Please talk to Michele/Dawn

Environmental Agency

The environmental agency was hard at work, right beside our setting, completing the work on the flood defence scheme for Kennford.

Everyone watched with interest as diggers used scoops to dig trenches and level the heaps of soil that lorries brought onto site.

Then workmen erected a new fence right beside our setting.  Everyone was very interested in the different tools used to dig holes.  We tried very hard to dig a hole as big…but, we just couldn't manage it!

New Painting Screen

At the beginning of September, before term started, our brilliant builder came in….and we started the term with our new veranda screen.  

We thought about this long and hard…..it not only shelters the veranda area during wet weather…it is a painting and drawing surface too!

Thanks to Ben, from Deck n Play for making my ideas come to life.

We’re now raising money for the next project!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Despite the little raindrops we went to Mamhead woods for a walk one said "it was great" and wanted to go back again!

Summer Club
Today we made stripey ice lollies and sat in the sun to eat them!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Leavers' Ceremony

The leaver's ceremony is one of those markers in life!

Our leavers' are now too big to return to preschool...and need a bigger school to go to so that they can learn even harder things

The last day of term, is always actioned filled....a paper fight; butterfly release; dancing to our favourite songs...the children were so bushed, that they spontaneously got blankets and lay on the floor in front of the whiteboard for a last look at their favourite whiteboard rhymes & songs after lunch!

We went outside for some bubbles before our mums and dads arrived to watch the ceremony.  Michele ALWAYS forgets how to read upside down making mistake after mistake which lightens the mood as the children take turns to receive their presentation certificates/folders/present and shake hands!

Lots of giggles!

Goodness Me!  We'll miss this bunch (God Bless!)


The staff and I would like to thank you all for the very kind words and presents that we received - we all felt very valued - so thank you so very much!

Thank you Jenny for giving permission for the use of these photos - I still can't read your plaque out loud!

Friday, July 25, 2014

...and then there was a snowstorm!

Just pictures - last day antics!

What a mess!  What FUN!

Leaver's Party 2014

On Monday this week we held our leavers party.  The children enjoyed LOTS of fun and games; music and laughs before having their party food OUTSIDE!  They really enjoyed this treat.

Later a magician came to entertain the children.  OZZY-D, THAT'S ME!  He was so bad that the children thought him really good. He did some tricks; had some puppets & gave the childlren all a very special balloon each!

 We had a lot of laughs at the comments we overheard.....

"This is the best party I've ever been too" one little boy uttered in his excitement!

They enjoyed choosing balloons animals (including T-Rex's) to take home.  A great time was had by all.

Butterfly Release!

Over the past 4 weeks we've watched our butterfly eggs hatch, build cocoons around themselves and then hatch in beautiful butterflies.  Our butterflies were painted ladies.

We caught the children watching in fascination as the butterflies fluttered around their house.  We fed them on sugar syrup and pieces of fruit.  We thought that they liked pear and plum best of all.

We added some singing nettles and thistles to the house last week...and now we have eggs!

On the last day of term, we released our butterflies, leaving a bowl of fruit out for them, just in case they get hungry.

I wonder if our eggs will hatch?

Puppies - July 2014

Everyone said Ooooo! when they caught sight of our visitors one morning - two little collie pups called Jazz and Skye.

We all delighted in playng with our little bundles of fluff!

Everyone went into the carpark to wave goodbye when it was time for the pups to leave.

Maybe, Jazz and Skye will be back again next term?

Great Fun!

Sports Day - July 2014

I'd like to thank you all for coming to our sports day (so many attended), and, for your help on the day


The children "stole the show" as usual.  It was a great Sunday.

Although it was a pity that non of us got our picnics, no one seemed to mind as we had all had such a good time in any case - we had sunshine for the important part!

WELL DONE everyone!

Thanks Jenny for the pictures !

Gruffalo Walk - Haldon Forest - July 2014

Wasn't he HUGE!
WELL!  When a Gruffalo walk comes to your parish YOU REALLY NEED TO COMPLETE IT!

There were quite a lot of us!
On one hot and very sunny July afternoon we all went on the Gruffalo walk in Haldon Forest.  The children really enjoyed following the trail; finding the mouse; fox; snake; owl; Gruffalo (and stick man) and investigating all the different elements of the walk along the way.

Whew - we were ALL tired at the end!

Monkey Music

We are delighted that we have been able to afford to book Danielle from Monkey Music regularly over the past term.

The children really delight in her visit - After mentioning that Danielle was due, the children each got a doughnut cushion and sat themselves down in a ring in preparation for her visit.  

Ready and Waiting! 

Danielle is teaching the children lots of skills.  Her "set" is easily linked to the letter and sound scheme involving learning to listen/new songs/ co-operating/ follow a beat etc.  Her sessions are really accessible to all the children attending whether 2 years old or four!

We've bought new percussion instruments so that we can practise in between her visits.  Danielle is teaching us so much new material we are struggling to learn it all and keep up!

We are looking forward to her next visits - PRE-ORDERED - for the Autumn Term 

Danielle has my vote!

Vets Visit

We were delighted to take up Kate's offer and welcomed "Daisy" (the dog) into our setting.

Kate is a vet and visited the setting along with her assistant to talk to the children about looking after animals.  She showed the children how to brush a dog's teeth.  

Daisy was very good, and everyone was able to give her a treat (some with a little help from Michele)

What a great way to inject enthusiasm into our Vets Role Play!

Many thanks Kate for arranging this for us!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Saisbury's vouchers

The Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers collection ends on the 20th May 2014.
Please can you check and see if you can find or earn any more in the final couple of weeks.
Just those extra few could make the difference.

Easter egg hunt

We all had a brilliant time at the egg hunt, lots of families turned up ready to search high and low for the woodland animals to be rewarded with a treat for all their efforts!
Thankfully the weather was kind and the BBQ and cakes were delicious!
Thankyou to all who attended/supported the event, money raised for the Playbox totalled over £100.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kenn Art Show

"In the Hen House" Art Display 2014

We were delighted to be asked once again to participate in The Kenn Art Show.

The Kenn Art Show is a bi-annual event.  This time around we decided to to a display entitled "In the Hen House"

The children enjoyed producing artwork for our display, practising different art techniques and skills along the way.

  • They drew life drawings
  • They made dotty hens
  • They marbled eggs
  • They painted blob chicks
  • They made fluffy chicks, cutting fringes
  • Kenn Art Show
  • They drew patterns...and more!
The children enjoyed a pre-show tour where they looked in wonder at all the different paintings and ceramics displayed.

I wonder when we will have time to have our own "Art Show"....Mmmm! There's a thought!

Our Chicks

Holding a 3 day old chick
Over the past month we've watched our chicks hatch and then grow VERY QUICKLY!

We've all enjoyed looking after the chicks, watching them develop.  

We've had some laughs, especially when the chicks started to fly and learnt to escape their box in the setting. 

The children giggled when our three girls went walk about around the playground, after they were put outside for some fresh air.

Week 2:  Our chicks were getting braver
 - so were the children
Imagine the children's surprise, the first time that the chick they held flew out of their hands and landed on a shoulder or head!

The chicks often perched on their box lip and watched us.  Sometimes, they hopped onto an offered shoulder...much to the children's delight.

The children soon learnt to handle the chicks carefully.  They were really gentle...but, they had to catch them first!

The last three chicks have now gone home to live with Dawn

This half term has FLOWN -BY!

Bathing Babies - March 2014

Every term we invite a range of different people to the setting.

These visits spark interests that we use to plan exciting learning and play opportunities.  

Today J's Mum bought in his baby sister to visit us.  The children became really quiet and absorbed in watching the baby being bathed, listening to J's Mum explain the different processes.   Baby J enjoyed being bathed...she made LOTS of splashes.

The children were amazed that their feet and hands were bigger than the babies.

We had a long conversation about size.

 "Sometimes you can be bigger...especially when the other person is smaller.  But, sometimes you can be small too...especially when compared to someone bigger than you...like Dawn!"

Role Play: Caring for our babies
After watching a real baby being bathed, we washed our babies - dolls (lots of times) and then had fun getting them redressed into new clothes.  "Will it fit?"

We discussed our family members "Do you have brothers and sisters?"  Are they older or younger?" etc.

Many thanks to Jack's mum for spending a half hour in our setting bathing her new baby.

Can you help?

If YOU have an interest, hobby or job, that you would like to share with our children, please speak to our managers....we would be delighted to incorporate your idea into our plans.  You would be amazed at some of the learning that the children have accessed after a short visit.

World Book Day - March 2014

The Gruffalo Story
This year, we were delighted to welcome girls from Coombeshead Academy to The Kennford Playbox

The Year 11's (studying Childcare Studies) dressed up in their favourite costumes (I liked The Cat in the Hat best) and took turns to read LOTS of stories; play games; do arts and crafts; join in with musical activities etc

Everyone enjoyed their visit.  Our children enjoyed lots of different stories and having new people to show around and play with.  The Coombeshead Girls gained hands-on experience of being in an early years setting which may inform their choices for college in the near future.

Even better, our first chick hatched during their visit.  Exciting Times!

I hope that we can do a similar partnership next year!

Planting Primroses in March

One sunny afternoon, the children helped to plant the primroses in the front planters.

The children helped to fill the planters with new compost; they then chose a primrose plant and planted it using hand trowels.

When all the primroses had been planted, we watered them....using water that we collected from the roof of the setting that collects in the water butts.  The cans were very heavy.  We learnt that if we filled the cans to the top, we needed two people to carry them...part filling them meant that we could carry the water independently.

We counted them 15.  The children noticed that all the primroses were different colours.  

Can you name all the colours of our primroses?

Easter Egg Hunt Postponed

As a result of the particularly unpleasant weather expected tomorrow AND more children catching chicken pox, we have decided to postpone the Easter Egg Hunt until next term: Sunday, 27th April 2014.


The Easter Bunny needs your help!Follow his trail and win a prize

Followed by a BBQ & Cakes

Join us at

NEW DATESunday 27th April 2014

Trail Sheet £2.00 EACH

Fundraising:  Toward the Preschool Playground Developments

I hope to see you all there on the 27th - Michele

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our First Chicks....!

This is our first chick.  It has just hatched.  Doesn't it look exhausted!
This chick is called Bella!

"Look!  He's got his mouth out....Shh!""I can see his beak""Come on wigglebum""I can see his leg""Look - wings""Peep Peep Peep/""Look - it's hatchin'"

This morning, when I arrived I was told by Charlie (who had been busy counting)  "I think that there is six Michele"

we spent the afternoon periodically
watching a chick hatch.  Everyone
was very excited!
Our chicks arrived on Tuesday...yesterday afternoon one hatched in front of the children...today three hatched during the day. We have 9 now.....2 boys (cockerels) and 7 girls (hens).  The hens are brown. The cockerels are yellow.  

The children have all been SO excited..they avidly watch as each chick hatches, noticing small details.

We've learned lots of new words already, including "incubator" "hatching" "brooder" 

It's truly an amazing experience to share with young children!


One of our parents is an EXPERT drummer (a music professor)   

Dominic kindly offered (with a little arm twisting) to come into the setting one morning and show us his drums.

The children had a great time drumming on different drums including samba pans; bongos; tom toms & cymbals!

The children were eager to have a go at playing the big drum kit....it made a LOT of noise.  They were able to explore the different sounds that the different sized drums called tom toms and snare drums, made.

They enjoyed playing the big bass drum by pressing the pedal on the floor...it made a thud noise...and tapping the cymbals (called high-hat, crash and ride).

We ALL had an amazing time. 

Many thanks for coming 

Some of the goals covered include:

Confidence in a new situation:  PSE
Trying something new: PSE
Awareness of different jobs:  UW
Listening; Responding and understanding instructions:  CL
Playing different beats; exploring muiscal instruments  EAD


If YOU have an interesting job; an interest, a hobby, a skill, musical ability, or something YOU think that the children would find interesting and may learn something from, don’t be backward in coming forward – talk to Michele and Dawn without delay.

Your visit need only last 15-30 minutes.  We would be delighted to have your help!
Everyone has something to offer...
you could even come into the setting and read your favourite story!

Noah's Ark

It REALLY rained this winter!!!! One showery day, we went outside – the children noticed a beautiful rainbow in the sky….it was both raining and sunny at the same time, giving us the opportunity to explore the Noah’s Ark story!

Three of our Noah Activities included:

Using umbrellas in the showers

·         The children really enjoyed using our new umbrellas today.  We didn’t have enough for everyone, so some had to share or wait a turn (PSE)

·         They gleefully pushed their umbrellas’ up and down each time the showers came and went, listening to the pitter patter of the raindrops.  (CL/UW)

Drawing Rainbows on the Interactive Whiteboard.
We were so lucky to win this resource 5 years ago!

·         The children were able to make full use of it’s very big vertical surface and draw huge arcs’ of colour developing their pen control and pressure, whilst using the software palette to change colour – PHY/LIT/UW/EAD

·         Some of the children chose to draw their rainbows using the pen option whilst others chose the highlighter option:  those that chose the highlighter option noticed that where their lines overlapped that they blended together and new colours were formed - EAD

Rescuing the Animals from the floods

Using a table-top as an ark...everyone aboard!

The children used a variety of tongs to reach all the animals in the sea and pull them aboard the ark.  Great fun.  We all had to be careful, because it WAS quite a squeeze!

PSE:  working together.
PHY: using tongs and stretching.

Building an ark

·         After rescuing the animals out of the rain (in the nick of time) we built them an ark…the children helped to make pens and compartments for the animals  (EAD)

·         They found matching pairs of animals (2 of every kind)  (Math)
·         Used tongs to collect their animals and put them into the allocated pens  (PHY)

As Always:  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kung Hey Fat Choy!

We had a great time celebrating The Chinese New Year (2014) The Year of the Horse!

Just a few of our activities include:

The children explored writing some Chinese Characters using a brush and black paint.

Areas of Learning Include:

·         Using a brush to make a mark – PHY (FMC)
·         Learning about another culture – learning about similarities and differences in writing – UW

We enjoyed dancing a fan dance, pretending to be different year characters.
Areas of learning include:

·         Being confident to have a go – PSE
·         Responding to music:  Chinese Animal Fan Dance - EAD

We enjoyed making a tangram by cutting up pictures into shape pieces.  The children put different picture puzzles back together again.
Areas of learning include:
·         Using scissors to cut up a simple puzzle – Phy
·         2D Shapes - Math

We enjoyed using chopsticks to pick up noodles.  The challenge was to find the longest/shortest!

Areas of learning include:

·         Using chopsticks to pick up a noodle   PHY

·         Discussing and comparing the length of different noodles & deciding which was the longest/shortest – Math

      Other activities included:

Our dragon dance:  drums, music
and team working! 
  •      Counting using an abacus  (Math)
  •       Drawing willow patterns (EAD)
  •       Making lucky red envelopes (UW) 
  •       Making watercolour lanterns  (Phy)
  •       Wearing red costumes (red is lucky) (UW)
  •       Doing dragon dances (EAD)
  •       Dragon Crafts (EAD)
  •       Finding 12 different animals. (Math)
  •       Stories (Lit)
  •       Matching animals sounds (CL - Listening)
  •       Taking a ride on a dragon (made from tunnels outside)