Monday, July 23, 2012

The day bunnies visited – Wednesday 18th July

We grasp every opportunity that comes our way to give children different experiences – so when Ruth (Phoebe’s Mum) offered to bring in her NINE baby bunnies into the setting for a visit...I said YES PLEASE.

Although some children were reticent at first, (one little boy wasn’t sure, and after a quick stroke was heard to encourage his bunny off his lap saying “hop – hop – hop” giving appropriate actions) everyone had the opportunity to cuddle a “kitten” (baby rabbit).

After a stroke, we put the bunnies on the floor and watched them hop around the circle...when it was time to leave, we counted EIGHT into their cage – one was missing! A little black rabbit had hopped into shady cubby hole!

Debbie Tarbett (author & illustrator) – 11th July

What a fantastic opportunity!

When Debbie offered to come and read some of her stories to the children I took up her offer with both hands.....Debbie then settled on the floor and drew some of the characters from her book for the children to colour in.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visitor. They learnt a lot. Listening to different people read stories; taking turns to ask questions; learning words like “author” “illustrator” “artist”; joining in a drawing activity are all foundation skills.

I even twisted Debbie’s hand and she drew some of her characters for the window mural!