Preschools get NO NOTICE, so it came as a bit of a shock to find an OfSTED inspector on the doorstep first thing on a very cold and blustery Monday morning in January wanting to complete a comprehensive setting inspection.
I was really proud of everyone: the children; the staff and committee who all pulled together to show the inspector what we get up to everyday.
It takes a lot of hard work to get any setting to an OfSTED “Outstanding” level, which is awarded to around 1:30 (3%) of settings nationwide for exceptional and consistent good practise, so we are really pleased, that not only have we done this once, but TWICE IN A ROW, which is an achievement in itself, and to be celebrated as fewer settings are awarded this accolade twice in a row!
There are many positive statements in the report which is available at:
Below are some exerts taken from the report:
“Children are thriving because their learning and development is extremely well supported and, as a result, they make exceptional progress overall.”
“Children enjoy an extensive range of activities which are particularly well organised and consider the individual needs and interests of all the children. They have an exciting balance of adult-led and child-led activities. Each child is extremely well supported to progress at their individual stage of development; more able children are challenged, so they progress quickly.”
“Children are curious and inquisitive learners. They remain highly engrossed in activities and play a full role in their learning. Children are learning valuable skills for their future development in an extremely happy and caring environment.”
“Children's behaviour is exemplary. Staff manage behaviour exceptionally well. They have high expectations that are clearly conveyed to children and implemented consistently; as a result, children play happily, either independently or co-operatively. All children interact very well with others; they confidently introduce themselves to visitors and talk about what they have been doing. Children contribute successfully to the routine of the pre-school and tidy up after themselves eagerly, developing independence as they do so”
As manager, I'd like to thank you (staff, committee and parents) all for your support. It takes teamwork and a lot of care and hard work to maintain "outstanding" and "exceptional" practises.